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Current situation
As of today, April 13, Nova Scotia has 15,580 negative test results, 474 positive COVID-19 test results and three deaths. Nine individuals are currently in hospital, four of those in ICU. One-hundred and one individuals have now recovered and their cases of COVID-19 are considered resolved.Read full release here.
The QEII Health Sciences Centre's microbiology lab completed 947 Nova Scotia tests on Sunday, April 12 and is operating 24-hours. Testing numbers are updated daily at
While most cases are connected to travel or a known case, it is now known that there is community spread. Cases have been identified in all parts of the province. A mapand graphic presentation of the case data is now available at
Our response
Remodeling of FIT testing for COVID-affected units
Based on current status of supply and distribution of PPE, Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness and the Personal Protective Equipment Working Group have been collaborating to develop a FIT testing model that allows us to fit staff and physicians on COVID-affected unitswhere aerosol-generating medical procedures (AGMP) may be performed for a variety of N95 respirator models.
This model will be rolled out quickly; expanded hours for FIT testing will enable staff and physicians to be fitted for N95s within a short period of time. We will be relying on leaders to support staff and physicians to make themselves available for these appointments to ensure all staff who need it are fitted within a short timeframe.
We are making this change to ensure that when cases surge, staff and physicians who are in COVID-affected areas and who will be performing AGMPs will already be fit tested for a variety of N95 models, and will be able to receive and start using their supply without delay.
Because Central Zone (CZ) has the largest proportion of COVID cases to date and projections indicate the highest surge in CZ, we will begin this new FIT testing model there starting the week of April 14. However, plans are already underway for other zones to also adopt this FIT testing model in the coming weeks.
If you have questions about this change, please reach out to your zone Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness manager.
NSHA advises of potential COVID-19 exposures
NSHA advising of potential COVID-19 exposure at several HRM locations
NSHA advising of potential COVID-19 exposure at Halifax restaurant
Masking of healthcare workers in DHW-licensed long-term care facilities
The Department of Health and Wellness (DHW) is implementing a new protocol around masking of health care workers (HCW) in DHW-licensed long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, any staff working in or moving through resident care areas will be asked to wear a procedure mask throughout their entire shift.
- Masking Protocol for Home Care – Memo
- Masking Guidelines for Long Term Care Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Masking in LTC FAQ
- Order Form for Standard Operating Mask Requirements
- How To Wear A Procedure Mask Poster
New/Updated guidance documents and resources
Instructions for the collection of a nasopharyngeal swab for respiratory viruses
Secondary Assessment Centres
Policy: Handling of Bodies and Autopsies with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
Hearts for health care
We’ve been hearing and seeing some truly positive and up-lifting stories these past weeks, and we wanted to take this opportunity to share some of them with you.
Local small business The Barn dropped off some carefully prepared individually wrapped cookies in separate bags and carafes of coffee with disposable cups. We appreciate them taking a moment to thank staff at South Shore Regional Hospital.
The Easter Bunny delivered 300 Easter eggs to staff and physicians at Colchester East Hants Health Centre on behalf of Truro Mayor Bill Mills and councilors. It is noteworthy that the eggs are from none other than Peace by Chocolate, local and inspirational!
For up-to-date information, visit NSHA’s COVID-19 Hub at
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