Connect with Unifor


We may be in isolation, but we are not alone. You may be working, one of the many COVID heroes. We want to hear from all of you across Canada as this crisis unfolds. Tell us how you are coping at home and at work. Tell us what is happening in your workplace. Introduce us to your COVID-19 heroes.

1)   Record a 30 to 60 second video on your smart phone in selfie mode.

2)   If you are in isolation with family or a friend, get them to hold the phone for you.

3)   Turn the phone sideways                                                              

4)   Find a quiet place to record

5)   Email video to us at @email

6)   Include your name, local and workplace.

We will gather and share these on Unifor’s social media accounts, to build Unifor's community through this difficult time. Stay tuned for reminders and suggested video topics.